Relay fails to connect to RaceHero servers
You have installed the RaceHero relay, started it successfully and connected to your MYLAPS Orbits timing computer but no data is being sent to the RaceHero app. You may be getting system notifications that the Relay is disconnected. Here are steps to troubleshoot.
Is RaceHero online?
An easy first step is to pull out your smartphone or tablet and, using a different network connection than your Relay computer is on, try navigating to or loading the app. If that works but your Relay computer can't connect, then we know it's your local setup.
Are you online?
Test your internet connection to ensure you are online. An unreliable connection is a common culprit. Try:
- Visiting - if you can reach Google, you're online
- Confirm RaceHero is online with - if it's online, then there is some kind of network problem between your Relay laptop and RaceHero
Network Troubleshooting
Your Relay laptop will generally be on two networks simultaneously - a local LAN or wireless network for your timing equipment and an internet-connected network. In some cases the Internet connection is an aircard or tether to a phone or tablet over a cell network.
- Verify DNS is operating properly. Open a Windows command line (generally Start -> Run -> "cmd") and type in `nslookup` - you should receive a series of name/address pairs referencing (where we host RaceHero).
- If you can't successfully resolve, try `nslookup` and see if Google resolves.
- If you can't resolve DNS, the next test is to see if you can reach the remote network without DNS. From the command line, try `ping` - this is one of Google's DNS servers. You should receive lines looking like `64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=57 time=15.012 ms` indicating that Google replied in 15.012ms. If you see timeouts, this is an indication there is a problem between you and Google (and therefore, probably most of the internet).
- One alternative scenario on a weak or unreliable connection is for you to see SOME rows like `64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=57 time=15.012 ms` but then other rows of `* * *` which indicate timeouts. That would point to a network connectivity issue again.
If your internet connection is flaky, you may consider switching to another provider (e.g. switch from track-provided wifi to a cellular hotspot or tether or vice versa. Or try switching from one provider to another, e.g. Verizon to AT&T).
The RaceHero relay will queue data while you are disconnected and update it as soon as your connection is restored.