How much bandwidth does RaceHero Relay use?
The number of runs, racers and competitor data will determine how much bandwidth the RaceHero Relay consumes however the amount is generally quite small.
As one benchmark, a 24-hour endurance sports car race with ~80 competitors which generated upwards ~40,000 passings including results used approximately 50MB. Here are some common upload sizes:
- Schedule: 5-20kb
- Entry list: 5-30kb
- Individual live timing passing: < 1kb
- Flag change: < 1kb
- Results: 20kb - several megabytes (for long-distance endurance races)
The speed of your connection is not as critical as is the reliability and latency. In general, RaceHero consumes very little bandwidth.
WARNING: For timing and scoring computers that are infrequently connected to the Internet, automated Windows Updates can consume a massive amount (on the order of gigabytes!) of bandwidth if you plug them in at the race and they download in the background. Be sure to either update your computers at home in advance or disable automatic Windows Updates downloads.