How do I upload Official Results?

The RaceHero Relay automatically uploads accurate provisional results at the end of each session when the Stop (red) flag is clicked in MYLAPS Orbits. We recommend uploading results as official once the results have been approved by the race director and scrutineers. The upload will include penalties, adjustments and announcements made in Orbits, just like your printed results.

This can be done as each race is confirmed, at the end of each day or the end of the event. The Relay makes it easy to do this:

  1. In the Relay, click the "Past Events" tab
  2. Click the event you're interested in
  3. You'll be presented a screen with all of the runs under the "Runs" tab. Click the checkbox at the top left of the column to select all runs or individually select a run.
  4. At the top right, choose "Upload as... Official"
  5. You'll see each of the runs sequentially cycle from Processing to Queued to Uploaded and the tag will change to Official. 

For a complete race weekend, it may take 2-3 minutes depending on the speed of your computer and Internet connection. Very large events like 12 or 24-hour endurance races may take longer due the number of laps. 

You can monitor the status of the Relay from the Live Event tab with the box in the lower right corner. It will show the number of queued requests and how long since the last upload.